
The courses listed below are courses in Hawkeye's course catalog. Visit the course search to view currently available courses and course sections.

学生 who plan to transfer courses back to their current college or university should verify the courses they'd like to take at Hawkeye will transfer. To determine how the course will transfer 访问 with your advisor at your current college or university and/or if a student at the University of Northern Iowa, 爱荷华大学, or Iowa State University, 访问 www.TransferinIowa.org.

English as a Second Language (Non-intensive) (ESL)

ESL-014 ESL Listening and Speaking for Academic Purpose I

4个学分—This is the first of two courses designed for non-native speakers of English to acquire basic aural and oral skills. The primary focus of the course is to prepare students for academic content. 学生 will be involved in a variety of communicative activities to increase their confidence in understanding and communicating with others, to improve fluency as well as accuracy, 扩大词汇量, to practice note-taking skills, and to learn about American culture.

讲座时间: 48 实验时间: 32

先决条件: Appropriate placement scores or equivalent.

Course Type: Developmental

2024-2025课程费用: $900.00

Course Cost Calculation

Resident tuition and fees × course credits + course fee (if applicable).

The course cost calculation does not include:

Course cost is subject to change.

The course cost does not indicate the course is currently being offered. Visit the course search to view currently available courses and course sections.



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Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

If campus is closed, the 注册处 is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.
