Posting Information on Campus

这项政策的目的是监测和提供指南,分发和张贴印刷材料, 有序的进行, and presence of political activities, 言论自由活动, and campaigning on Hawkeye 设施.

靠谱买球app推荐保障言论自由,但不得导致靠谱买球app推荐设施的有序运作受到干扰, 项目, 和活动. 靠谱买球app推荐的政策是最大限度地扩大自由讨论和表达的机会,同时最大限度地减少课堂和大学/设施活动中断的可能性, and interference with the ability of students to obtain an education. This policy is a companion to the “集会权"和"学生的权利”政策.

1. 定义

  1. 文学—Applies to printed material of any size or type including, 但不限于, 传单, 公告, 广告, 传单, 小册子, 横幅, 海报, 还有名片.

  2. 文学作品的张贴-在靠谱买球app推荐校园和设施内的指定公告栏上展示文学作品.

  3. 散布文献-在靠谱买球app推荐校园或设施内向任何人散布或散发的文献. 由靠谱买球app推荐分发, or related parties or agents at Hawkeye’s direction, shall not be considered indiscriminate distribution or circulation.

  4. Commercial 文学—文学 which directs attention to a business, 商品, 服务, 或娱乐.

  5. 注册社团/组织-靠谱买球app推荐学生社团/组织由学生领导委员会和学生活动办公室注册, in accordance with the procedures described in the Start a Club or Organization policy, and are in active status.

2. Standards for 文学 to be Posted or Distributed

  1. The literature cannot contain tear-off items or strips.

  2. 文学作品不能鼓吹在当时即将发生或可能发生的非法行为.

  3. 文学作品或其在校园内的分发不能妨碍大学课堂或学院/设施活动的有序进行, 服务, 或操作.

  4. 文学, 材料, 或其他标志不能包括表达淫秽或诽谤根据现行的法律标准, 或煽动学生在靠谱买球app推荐校园内制造明显而现实的危险或从事非法行为, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of college/facility activities.

  5. Hawkeye assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the literature.

3. Registered 俱乐部/组织

  1. 注册俱乐部/社团的宣传资料不得认可或推荐商业产品或服务.

  2. 注册社团的刊物必须符合其他学生刊物的标准,并不得出售.

  3. 注册社团/组织张贴在课堂上的文献必须与课堂教学或经批准的学院/设施活动特别相关, which could include rallies and other classroom instruction related events.

  4. 学生领导委员会选举的竞选活动必须符合学生领导委员会的资格和政策.

4. Commercial 文学 to be Posted or Distributed

  1. Commercial 文学 must concern lawful activity and not be misleading.

  2. Commercial 文学 is restricted to designated public posting areas on 校园.

  3. 以便能够识别可能对欺诈或虚假广告负责的人, 所有在校园张贴或分发的商业宣传品必须印有发放商业宣传品的组织/机构/单位,并注明其地址或电话号码.

  4. 除非与课堂教学直接相关,否则禁止在教室张贴或分发任何形式的商业文献.

  5. Hawkeye does not endorse, 赞助商, 批准, 授权, or regulate any commercial business 商品, 服务, 或娱乐 permitted for posting or distribution.

5. Procedure for Posting of 文学 on Campus

  1. 所有投寄资料必须于正常办公时间内交回学生活动办公室.

  2. 学生活动办公室将根据本政策所述的规定和程序审查和批准或拒绝文献, within two business days, 在可能的情况下.

  3. 经批准的文献将由学生活动职员张贴在指定的公告栏上。, where requested and as space is available.

  4. 文学 can be posted for a maximum of two weeks per submission. Submissions can be made no more than twice per semester.

6. Procedure for Distribution of 文学 on Campus

  1. 所有注册社团/组织和/或靠谱买球app推荐学生如欲在校园内分发文学作品,必须在开始分发文学作品前的正常营业时间向学生活动办公室登记, and acknowledge receipt of the applicable Recruiter and Vendor/Solicitation Regulations.

  2. 分销商须提供以下资料:已登记俱乐部/团体或个人名称, 联系人姓名, and dates and times of distribution.

  3. 在校内散布文学作品前未登记者,将受到纪律处分.

  4. 除注册社团/组织或靠谱买球app推荐学生外,所有组织和/或个人如欲分发文学作品,必须在开始分发文学作品前至少五个工作日向学生活动办公室申请. Approval or denial of such parties will be determined based on availability of space.

  5. No distributor shall touch, strike, or impede the progress of a passerby, except for incidental or accidental contact or contact initiated by a passerby.

  6. 任何人不得使用任何扩音手段制造噪音或转移注意力,从而严重扰乱学院的有序行为, 校园, 设施, 类, 或者靠谱买球app推荐行动.

  7. 在分发区域内和周围丢弃的所有文献必须由分发文献的人员检索, 出发前.

  8. No restrictions shall be placed on subject matters, 主题, or viewpoints expressed, as long as it does not include expression which is obscene, 诽谤的, 或根据现行法律标准进行诽谤,或煽动学生在社区大学校园内造成明显和现实的危险或实施非法行为, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the Hawkeye/facility activities.

  9. 时间的规定, 言论自由活动的地点和方式可能是为了防止对大学课堂的有序进行的实质性破坏而强加的, Hawkeye/facility 项目, 或服务. 这种规定必须是合理的,不能因演讲内容而有歧视.

本政策的任何规定均不得禁止管制以剥夺学生或雇员充分参与教育过程的方式针对他们的仇恨暴力, 只要该条例符合美国宪法第一修正案的要求以及爱荷华州的法律和宪法. Disciplinary action will be imposed for harassment, 威胁, or intimidation unless such speech is constitutionally protected.



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Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm
星期五 7:30am-3:30pm

If 校园 is closed, the 布鲁克学生中心 is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

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